Christian counselling service
A safe place to explore difficulties
We offer the community a confidential and professional counselling service responding to a wide range of needs
Our Services
Is intended to help people cope with particular difficulties they face in a more positive and satisfying way.
Time to talk
It is a time to talk about what is important to you, without judgement being made or advice being given
It is an opportunity for you to express your fears, worries and anxieties
How can counselling help?
Counselling can help you express the many thoughts and feelings that may dominate your life and make it difficult to think clearly
Counselling can help with feelings of isolation, reduce possible anxiety and depression and restore a sense of control
Connect provides one to one counselling for a wide range of issues
Couple counselling for relationship issues
Adult counselling (16 & over) by appointment
A professional counselling service to all, irrespective of their personal beliefs
Volunteer counsellors, working confidentially to help people identify their problems in a friendly environment.
As this is a voluntary service, donations are gratefully accepted
Referrals can be made by the person seeking counselling using the telephone number below or by e-mail
There is no restriction on those we will offer our services to, provided it is appropriate to deal with their needs
Jesus said “I have come that they may have life; and to have it to the full.”
Connect Christian Counselling
Connect is a community based service operated by professional counsellors and dedicated administrative staff
Connect has been providing this confidential service since 2003
Connect is affiliated to the Association of Christian Counsellors

The counsellors are all professionally trained. They work under supervision and are either accredited, or working towards accreditation with their professional accrediting organisation
Counsellors do not impose their beliefs on those seeking help
For further information please ring our confidential telephone number or email in confidence
Registered charity in Northern Ireland NIC108290